The "Zero Sugar" Propaganda. How Aspartame Managed to Poison Us for 5 Decades

[ 8 min read ]

The "Zero Sugar" Propaganda. How Aspartame Managed to Poison Us for 5 Decades
Photo by Mikael Stenberg

Chapters Menu

  • There Is Nothing Wrong With Being "Healthy"
  • The Evil "Genesis"
  • The Funding "Fallout"
  • The Constant Growing Market and Our Miserable Future

There Is Nothing Wrong With Being "Healthy"

Photo by Fuu J

Knowledge, The Power That Is Being Taken Away

I can't remember when people started to get the idea that "No sugar + Low Calories = Healthy Diet". Clearly, sugar was never an option when it comes to control their body shape.

Back in the day, people were wondering how Diet Coke could be made without sugar but taste intensely sweet at the same time. When artificial sweeteners start to become more and more popular these days, it's often considered as a "healthy" sweet-tasting sugar substitute.

It almost seems too good to be true, as many people consider it to be the "ultimate solution". They had never imagined one day they could be enjoying their sweet snacks and beverages without compromising their daily calorie intake.

And here is something we must "appreciate", which is the industry's tremendous amount of effort in creating the "stigma" of being fat. A huge "victory" for the industries, as now our society is ruptured and stigmatized.

It's almost no secret that people would get crazy about weight loss these days. People would blindly pay their hard-earned money for medical treatment focusing on weight loss, even at the cost of their health. (The Ozempic Hype is a great example)

Your Daily Diet = Industry's Honey Pot

person holding white ceramic mug
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya

Artificial sweeteners are just another example of the industry's favorite money makers, like non-stick pans made from Teflon during the late 20th century. Not only because it's cheap and tastes like sugar, but more importantly, it's "healthy"!

This has to be a critical reason because sugar is always hated due to public health concerns. People always consider sugar as one of the major causes of things like diabetes and obesity.

And here is when the industries come into play, with money and power, all they need to do is just pay the media and let them do the work.

As time passes, when more and more people get "educated" (brain-washed), they start to incorporate artificial sweeteners into their daily diet as a "healthy" alternative to sugar, either it's in their food or drinks.

Here was the moment when the "effort" from the industries paid off since they just successfully made themselves numerous amount of cash machines, which allowed them to withdraw 24/7 throughout every year. All thanks to everyone's effort in maintaining their "healthy" diet until they die!

The "Issue" Was Never A Real Issue

There are thousands of articles on the internet saying aspartame is potentially harmful, however, the most critical point is not the problem (aspartame) itself, but what's causing the problem.

The media industry is always doing a great job of shifting public attention towards something insignificant (distraction). It's like you won't be able to win a fight if you don't know who you're fighting against.

When some people finally started to realize how bad aspartame is, telling other people to avoid it. It all seems like we are taking a step forward against the evil industries by recognizing the "poison" they added to our food.

The reality is, we are just barely scratching the surface of the iceberg, where all the truth is hidden beneath the deep dark and nobody cares to find out. Nobody seems to pay attention to the real issue behind this, the industries that make it, and the authorities who regulate it.

The Evil "Genesis"

Photo by Museums Victoria

The "Infamous" Discovery

Although artificial sweetener is often considered a sweet-tasting sugar substitute nowadays, it was actually created by accident when chemist Constantin Fahlberg was working on coal tar derivatives in the lab in 1879.

Editor's Notes - Coal Tar

Coal tar is a known carcinogen derived from burning coal. It is a complex mixture of hundreds different compounds.