About Ecorational

Hi, my name is Kenny, I'm the main contributor/editor behind the Ecorational site. As an independent academic researcher, I spent most of my time looking for alternative products that are sustainable and non-toxic to our body, mind, and the environment.
I started learning about chemistry and biology when I was 12 years old, chemistry has always been part of my life journey ever since. During my university, I started my 4-year MSc course that specialized in Cosmetic Sciences. I started to get familiar with the composition and functionality of different beauty and household products on ingredient-based levels.
My research covers a variety of topics, ranging from Healthy Lifestyles, Beauty (Makeup and Skincare), Foods, Household Products, Personal Care Essentials and so on.
I also spent a couple of years researching other areas that interest me, such as Nutrition, Aromatherapy, Veganism, and the list goes on. Everything that I have learned so far contributes to the ultimate goal of this site, which is inspiration for people to live a sustainable lifestyle.
What is "Ecorational"?
Ecorational stands for Ecology and Rationality. We live in an interconnected ecosystem where every decision that we make will generate an impact on our surroundings and ultimately back to ourselves.
Choices we make are ecological, and things we do, and stuff we buy, we should always keep a rational mind, consider what consequences it may bring. There's no planet B, we shall treasure, preserve, and protect it. People had always been asking for more and it's never too late to start giving back to our mother earth.
The main goal of this site is to share/give information to like-minded people who spend countless times looking for alternative consumer products that are non-toxic, sustainable, and Eco-friendly.
Why created Ecorational?
The initial idea of creating Ecorational all comes down to my personal thoughts. I had the concept at the early time when Covid-19 happened. I started to get really tired of looking for non-toxic and sustainable alternative products online.
There are just way too many choices for things like food, beauty household products, etc. Customers like me are always spoiled with "choices", but at the end of the day, the option is usually very limited, since more than 95% of the products are just purely marketing nonsense since most of those things contain nasty chemicals that most people can't recognize.
When I eventually started Ecorational, I knew this site would only serve the interest of a minority of people, since most people are either "brainwashed" by the industries or "blinded" by the marketing media empire. So what's the point? So why am I creating something that I knew it's gonna fail?
So first of all, I still want to support the community with like-minded people no matter how difficult it is, even though the community is already very small and fragile. Secondly, I still want to help like-minded people distinguish some common frauds within the industries and save them time for people with no chemistry background whatsoever. And lastly,
The main goal of this site is to share the information with like-minded people who spend countless times looking for alternative consumer products that are non-toxic, sustainable, and Eco-friendly.
How did "Ecorational" start?
Before I made up my mind to create "Ecorational", I already knew that my target audience was going to be a small group of people. I'm not saying the content/topics I wrote about are very niche like almost nobody has written before. It's just the fact that topics I wrote about are usually truths that most people are unwilling to see.
Nowadays most people only write about things that will interest a large group of audience, just like thousands of Youtubers making meaningless videos day after day in order to earn a living.
For the obvious reason, this site is not built for the majority of the public, hence it's very likely it won't gain any profit at all. So why created it anyway you may ask?
Well, the goal of this site is simple. We don't just simply tell you what you should buy or what you can't eat. This site will serve as a guideline. For example, what things you should be looking for when buying your breakfast yogurt or what you should be avoiding when getting a new foundation for your makeup routine.
We try to educate people on an ingredient-based level so that people can learn basic chemistry and distinguish ingredients by themselves. "Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
The Devastating Reality
Let's face it, we live in a world that is manipulated by the top 1% of the people. They created the infinite cycle which I called the "loop of depression". The richest people defined (made) the problem, then used the most powerful resource on the planet Earth "human", to solve the problem they brought out in the first place. They gain profit from people's sufferings during the process of "problem-solving".